IPS Information Session

Through the partnership between CTBC Business School(中信金融管理學院) and the Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems of Waseda University (IPS),

CTBC(中信金融管理學院) students have the benefit to enroll in the two programs simultaneously and earn two master degrees once graduate from both institutions.

Information session is a great opportunity for students to learn about the dual degree program, including academics, application process, scholarship, and more.

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) invited the representative from Admission Office and Prof. Fujimura, Dean of IPS to present the program, F-course on the first Thursday of January.

OIA continues inviting the partner schools for organizing information sessions to promote overseas study programs. We believe such info session can help students who are considering to pursue a second degree in other countries.





導入大前研一理念 CP值最高的大師級課程 中金院日本實戰碩士班傳授創新商業模型

中信金融管理學院人財育成中心獨有的特色課程—日本實戰碩士學分班已邁入第七期,課程結合大前研一博士獨家授權的戰略自由度(SDF;Strategic Degrees of Freedom)思考邏輯手法課程,與人財育成中心主任柯宗余豐富的日本人脈進行資源整合,創造出日戰班的產學生態圈。

豐田汽車 居打算保違規的子公司?
