Cultural Tourism in Tainan City

Many international students came to Taiwan for the first time as they started their CTBC(中信金融管理學院) journey. With the help from our part-time TAs, the Office of International Affairs had arranged a cultural tour of Tainan.. Since Chinese New Year was just around the corner before the end of 110-1 semester, the TAs decided to go to the the seasonal market for the new yaer together. Tasting delicious food together offered the perfect start of this trip and definitely the best way to connect with friends from different countries.

Visit the street leading up to the Lunar New Year festivities

At the end of the trip, Taiwanese TAs took their new friends to visit the Luermen Mazu Temple and introduced the custom of the Orientals worship incense which is a simple ceremony of Taoism praying for peace. Although a few international students have their own religions but chose to be open mind and had tried different religious rituals during the temple visit, and this serves to the purpose of OIA by bring in everyone together and gain new experiences.

The first time for them to worship by incense

Group photo at the front of the temple courtyard stands a memorial gateway with three archways




IPS Information Session

Through the partnership between CTBC Business School(中信金融管理學院) and the Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems of Waseda University (IPS), CTBC(中信金融管理學院) students have the benefit to enroll in the two programs simultaneously and earn two master degrees once graduate from both institutions.

中信金融管理學院 中信就業媒合率達96%

至今中國信託與 中信金融管理學院 已連續五年推動就業媒合專案,今年有75位畢業生申請就業媒合,已有72人取得畢業即至中信就業的機會,就業媒合率達96%,媒合作業仍在持續進行;另外,有三名大四生在建教合作計畫表現深獲主管肯定,今年轉為正式員工,還沒畢業即轉為正職,順利職涯接軌。

學習日本商界菁英,訂出 年度目標計畫

只要你對成就的內容夠熟悉、蒐集的情報足夠多,你就該有能力定出階段性的時間點,心中也會感受到一格一格的進步感。運用 SMART 法則,你可以進一步細分多個目標,透過確定且具體的方式來提高達成的機率。任何事情我們都應該設定具體且客觀的 目標 ,來逐步驗證達成的機率。

中信國際學校貫穿K-12 優質非營利幼兒園開園 減輕家長負擔

中信金融管理學院與中信國際實驗教育機構(CTBC International Academy,下稱「中信國際學校」)今年將迎接新夥伴「中信非營利幼兒園」加入,成為貫穿幼兒園到12年級並可銜接大學、研究所的全學齡國際學園。中信非營利幼兒園由國教署核准預計於今年8月開園,首年將採獨立招生,招收幼幼班到大班學齡幼兒,家長以非營利幼兒園的費用,就能讓孩子共享中信國際學校外語教學資源。